Our most recent project is Travel Pack, a cross platform chat application that helps groups plan a trip.
Travelpack allows users to communicate in real time as they plan their trips. Users can search through tourist attractions and add items to the group(pack) itinerary. Once the item is on the group itinerary, pack members can gage the groups interest throught a polling feature. Travelpack comes with a built in budget calculator that helps packs estimate the cost of the trip as well as an agenda to help members track what anything what they need to do to prepare for the trip. During the trip, users can utilize travelpack's find my pack feature to pin point the real time locations of their pack members and upload photos to the pack photo album to keeps all of their memories in one place!
Pokemon Go for birdwatchers! Birdwatch does the legwork of identifying recent bird sightings and hotspots, making it easier for birding novice and veterans to discover new birds. We combine crowd generated feedback along with The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's eBird API to create a source for documented bird sightings
Full-Stack Developer
Taijon's attention to detail and understanding of network operations makes him an excellent asset to any engineering team.
Full-Stack Developer
David is always thinking of ways to improve user experience with seamless, intuitive design.
Full-Stack Developer
Rose enjoys working on both front and back-end development processes to create responsive applications.
Lets get in touch and talk about your and our next project.